The EpiscoKid Adventurers

From Ms. Shayla
I am planning a new adventure for our awesome Episcokids --- field trips to several places where they can spend time with each other outside of church, deepen their friendships, and experience some of the amazing things our community has to offer. For example I plan to take them to Columbus State University's children's shows, which have a Sunday afternoon show. I also plan to use this as a chance for parents to have some kid-free time together with others from St. Thomas. Across the street from the Riverside Theatre is Banks Food Hall. I will invite parents to drop their kids off with me and a volunteer(s) to watch a show, then head over to Banks for some lunch and relaxation. Stay on the lookout for dates and prices for discounted tickets. I can't wait for fun times and new experiences with the EpiscoKid Adventurers!
Tags: Voices / News / Children & Youth / Episcokids / Parish Life Events / Learn / Gather / Adult Formation