Sunday Adult Formation

9:30 - 10:15 am in-person in the church library and on Zoom
We use this time each week to explore a variety of biblical, theological, liturgical, ethical, societal and spirituality issues, using shared leadership in short-term series or stand-alone sessions. Suggestions of topics or issues are always welcome.
Recordings of past sessions below.
Challenges WE Face as part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion

WE are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion - over 85 million of us in more than 165 countries. What challenges do WE face as we deal with our ministry in and around Columbus, yet part of that much larger family? We will consider this during our Sunday Adult Formation sessions in fall 2022.
Sunday, October 9 Recording Here
Sunday, October 16 Recording Here
Sustaining Creation Care during Eco-Crisis

In the Journey Groups' discussion of the book Manna and Mercy by Daniel Erlander, we've learned that God intended harmony and balance between God, humans, and the rest of creation, Yet climate change and its disruptions are irrefutable. We therefore need to ask, what are our individual and collective responsibilities to God, each other, and our earthly home with all its resources…
Read More »Jesus According to ____________.

Why does the New Testament contain four differing narratives about Jesus – i.e., four ‘Gospels’? Why isn’t it good enough to have just one? For five Sundays beginning Jan 9, Dr. Denny Clark led quick exploration of how and why the Gospels differ from each other. What is the ‘Good News’ that each tells, and how does that fit the needs of its original audience?
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