
We Learn - taught by scripture, tradition, and reason through the work of the Holy Spirit.
As Episcopalians, we look to scripture (the Bible, both Hebrew and Christian scriptures), tradition (the teaching and practice of the church over centuries), and reason as sources of authority for our faith. The life of the mind is one of the places where we meet God. We are not afraid of new ideas. We value history, science, and philosophy as well as theology. God's gift of reason helps us understand and respond to current events. Join us as we learn together.

At St. Thomas Episcopal Church, we strive to provide a loving and nurturing community that engages children in a journey of Christian faith, encourages them to understand it, empowers them to learn to live it, and instills in them the confidence to carry the love of Christ to others.
Ms. Shayla is collecting information on children who participate in activities at St. Thomas. If…
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St. Thomas Student Ministries is an inclusive youth group (grades 6-12) that meets weekly in-person.
Our main goal is keeping students connected to a hope that is bigger than the daily grind of life. Join us on Wednesdays from 6 pm - 7 pm!
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Young Adult Ministries at St. Thomas include events and formation opportunities specifically designed to meet the interests of individuals under 40 in all walks of life. The two groups avaible for this age range are ECM (Episcopal Campus Ministry) and YACT (Young Adults Connecting Together). For more information on how to get involved, contact Taylor Mack
Adult Formation
Growing in Christ is a lifelong journey, shaped by worship, service, study, and prayer. At St. Thomas, we gather online and in person to learn together. Here are some of our adult formation offerings.
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