Thursdays, 10 to 11 am beginning September 12 2024-2025 dates: September 12 - November 14, 2024 and January 9 - May 22, 2025 (No meeting April 3, April 24, or May 1.) All women are invited to join Rev. Cindy Cox Garrard in the library ...
Sundays, January 12 to February 16, 9:30-10:15 in All Saints Hall Welcome Classes are for all who are new to St. Thomas and for those who would like a refresher. They serve as preparation for adult Confirmation and Reception on February 23 wh...
Bishop Wright will be present this morning to dedicate to God the work we have done. He will speak with the congregation in All Saints Hall at 9:30 and then celebrate the 10:30 service with us. Confirmation and Reception into the Episcopal Church...
February 27, 6 pm at Trevioli (7466 Blackmon Rd) Gather with women from St. Thomas for fellowship and a meal. All who identify as women are welcome to gather. Next gathering is February 27 at the Blackmon Road Trevioli. Let us know you're comin...
6 pm, Wednesdays starting January 15 at St. Matthew Rabbi Beth Schwartz and The Rev. Taylor W Burton Edwards lead this informative study together. Hosted by St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church in Luther Hall (4026 Macon Road). For more...
5:30 pm, Chapel This brief Eucharist focuses on a feast day being celebrated that week, using an updated version of the Eucharistic prayer with more expansive language for God and people.
5:30 to 6 - Eucharist in the Chapel 5:30 to 6:15 - Dinner served on the buffet. 6:00 - Playground open for children who have finished dinner. Go to the Children’s Center in case of rain. An adult must bring children to the playgr...
Thursdays, 10 to 11 am beginning September 12 2024-2025 dates: September 12 - November 14, 2024 and January 9 - May 22, 2025 (No meeting April 3, April 24, or May 1.) All women are invited to join Rev. Cindy Cox Garrard in the library ...
Young Adults Connecting Together (YACT) is a fellowship group for 21-40ish year olds. We get together monthly for an activity or outing in the Columbus area to build community and get to know the city. For more information about the group or any ...
Through the season of Epiphany, youth will dive into the The Way of Love’s Racial Justice Lesson series. We will use scripture, videos, discussion, and prayer to tackle big topics and consider how to live our baptismal covenant, respecting th...
The Vestry is the governing body of the parish, with responsibility to see that the congregation’s administrative and financial life allows our ministries to flourish. We elect three members each year to serve three-year terms. Retiring vestry ...
Strength for the Journey AND Manna & Mercy Strength for the Journey: A Guide to Spiritual Practice by Renee Miller Our Vestry read this book for their devotions in 2024. Now we are offering it to the whole congregation. This slim volume e...
A Great Christmas Gift Idea!
Margo Easterbrook, St. Thomas Partnership in Education Coordinator
Double your Christmas Giving by making a donation in honor or memory of someone special. Brewer Buddy Packs are packets of food that go hom...
St. Nicholas Visits!
December 4, Parish Hall
Children and adults will hear about St. Nicholas and prepare for his visit. He typically visits on December 6, but we asked him to come a couple of days early this year. Let Ms. Shayla kn...
Special donations for Christmas Music and Flowers help us celebrate this season. We hope to fill the new nave with festive poinsettias! Gifts may be made in honor or memory of someone and a listing of names will appear in the Christmas Eve bullet...
We are a church of loving, committed and searching Christians who value diversity and cherish the gifts of young and old alike. We welcome ALL God’s children into our sacramental community, respecting the dignity of every person as we are called to a ministry of reconciliation and inclusion. You are welcome here as God’s own.
Like the apostle Thomas, we encounter the risen Christ in our lives together and find ourselves transformed.
We invite you to worship, learn, and serve with us!
We know finding a church can be hard. We were all new to St. Thomas once, so let us tell you a little about ourselves.
We are named for the apostle Thomas, whose life was changed when he encountered the risen Christ. His confession of faith, “My Lord and my God,” is printed above our altar.
Like Thomas, we encounter the risen Christ in our life together and find our lives transformed. We invite you to worship, learn, and serve with us.
St. Thomas was founded in 1958 and is a congregation of about 400-600 people. A few folks have been here for a long time, but a lot of us are newcomers! Some of us grew up as Episcopalians, some of us came from other Christian traditions, and some of us have no religious background at all!
It is easy to join St. Thomas as a member. Just tell us you want to belong, and we'll enroll you as a baptized member of the congregation. If you've never been baptized, contact Rev. Grace to schedule a time for Holy Baptism. We look forward to being in touch with you.
For a one-time gift, you will be asked to load a form of payment to be debited when you make your gift. You can log in to your St. Thomas Member Portal account to give or view past gifts.
Rolling Out the Welcome Mat: St. Thomas 2024 Ministry Offerings
Each August, we invite parishioners to sign up for different ways to learn and serve together through our annual Ministry Offering. This online form lists many ways to serve and participate, and they all have to do with welcome!
How might you help St. Thomas extend our welcome in the coming year?