I'm New

We know finding a church can be hard. We were all new to St. Thomas once, so let us tell you a little about ourselves.
- We are a place for knowing Christ and making Christ known.
- We are a congregation that seeks, welcomes, and values all people. We are a diverse community that delights in all who walk through our doors.
- We are a home where friendships form across different ages and backgrounds.
- We are a church where beautiful worship leads us to create a more beautiful world in God’s image.
- We are a community of learning that is open to new ideas while being grounded in scripture and history.
We are named for the apostle Thomas, whose life was changed when he encountered the risen Christ. His confession of faith, “My Lord and my God,” is printed above our altar.
Like Thomas, we encounter the risen Christ in our life together and find our lives transformed. We invite you to worship, learn, and serve with us.
Online Welcome Card
We welcome you as a child of God!

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