10:30 Worship in All Saints' Hall

Here's what to expect on Sundays during construction.
Both services will also be livestreamed.
8:30 service
- In the chapel as usual.
- Enter through the chapel door or columbarium door. Narthex doors will be closed.
- A piano is in the chapel temporarily so that the choir can rehearse there.
- Coffee and muffins will be on the buffet in the parish hall after the service.
10:30 service
- In All Saints' Hall (the parish hall).
- Park in the front or back parking lot.
- Enter through the office doors, the columbarium door, or the parish hall door. The parish hall door will be locked at 10:30. The nursery hallway door in the breezeway will be locked all morning.
- The service will be familiar and worshipful - procession with acolytes and choir, hymns led by piano and choir, communion at the altar rail.
- There are now no steps to the altar rail. Come down the center aisle to receive communion and go as far to the end of the rail as you can. Stand or kneel at the altar rail. Return via the side aisles.
- Stay for a time of fellowship after the service. Snacks will be on the buffet.
- Restrooms and a water fountain are available in a hallway behind the drink cabinets to your left as you face the altar. Additional restrooms are in a hallway behind the parish hall, accessible via two right turns from the door near the office. A handicapped accessible restroom is on the upper level of the campus, accessible by a lift. Exit the door near the office and turn right and then left.
- Children are welcome in worship. Care for young children is available in the nursery if needed. Older children are invited to children’s chapel before the reading of the gospel. Children’s chapel will meet in the outreach center. Should you need to step out at any time, a livestream of the service will be shown in the library, located directly behind the fireplace.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we Make Room for All!
Tags: News / Worship / Music / Children & Youth / Voices / Young Adults / Prayer