Easter Offerings & Dedications

St. Thomas invites special offerings for flowers, music, and other ministries during Easter Season. Gifts may be dedicated in honor or memory of someone and will be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletin on March 31. Submit your contributions and dedication information by using the special envelopes located in the Narthex or complete the online form below and make your gift online.
Dedications must be received by Wednesday, March 27 in order to be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletin.
After submitting this form you'll receive an email confirming your dedication. The email will contain a link to the church's giving site to make your donation online. Choose the appropriate fund for your donation. You may also drop off or mail a check to the church office with 'Easter Offering' in the memo line. Church address is 2100 Hilton Ave, Columbus, GA 31906. If you put your donation in the mail, please complete the dedication form online or email your dedication to patty@stthomascolumbus.org by the Wednesday, March 27 deadline.
The deadline for Easter Offerings is Wednesday, March 27.
Tags: News / Easter Season / Seasonal Events / Give / Worship