Ireland Pilgrimage

Members of the Choir along with some non-singing friends, old friends, and new friends leave July 1 on the St. Thomas Choir’s third European pilgrimage, singing this time at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland. This is the church where G. F. Handel premiered Messiah. We will be the choir in residence for the week, singing Evensong each afternoon and two services on Sunday - over 40 pieces of music! Our tour is led by Dr. Darek Jarmola, a professor of Celtic Christianity at the University of Oklahoma.
We would be so pleased for you to follow along on our journey via our “St Thomas Columbus Choir” page on Facebook. Each day a different choir member will “report” on the day with photos and maybe even FB live snippets of the services. Please go ahead and ‘like’ the choir page so you can share this pilgrimage with us.
Tags: Choir / Music / Pentecost 2022: Living Into God’s Dream / News