Letting Go Lent Meditation by Charlene Moore

I heard the phrase LETTING GO about twenty years ago, from a very wise woman. She explained to me that letting go was not something you just do, it's a process that you learn to do. I heard what she said but didn't quite understand it. I pondered this for years, still hearing her voice in my head.
I am a visual learner so I had to put this in a context I could understand. I picture God standing there holding a rope and I am holding the other end of the rope. The rope represents the problem, person, or thing I am struggling with. God simply tells me to trust Him and let go of the rope. He reminds me that he "Got this", just trust Him. Being in His presence is so overwhelmingly comforting, that I drop the rope. This is my process.
As I developed my spirituality and the love of Christ, I began to comprehend what the woman was trying to explain to me. This came as I experienced a major death (the death of my one and only son at the age of 13). I began to feel and know and learn what letting go truly meant. I cherished , missed and wanted my son back with me, because no one could replace being his mother. My grief controlled my life and I was in turmoil. Then something happened. The more I allowed God into my life, the more I began to trust and believe in Him. I finally trusted in God enough to take care of my baby boy. I mean who better to trust than God? He was my baby boy, a part of me, and I had to make sure he was safe and okay.
Just as it was explained to me, this was a process that took me years to occur. It was the most difficult thing I have ever done. I had to let my son physically go in order for his spirit to blossom and for him to be remembered as the loving son he was and for my grief to process like it needed to. Every time I think of letting my son go, I just remembered that God has him close to Him, taking good care and loving him. And it is so comforting, that I can truly Let Go and trust in God to guide me.
I miss my son every day and love him more than I can say. In my heart I know that Letting Go of him to God's care soothes my soul and assures me that if he couldn't be with me, I know that being in God's care is the best place he can be.
Letting go of my son physically has helped me to let go of other people, places and things. Let Go and Let God has been a way of life for me. I can honestly say that my life is more structured and serene.
- Charlene Moore
Tags: Voices