Music Notes

From: Rick McKnight
Summer Choir
The St. Thomas Choir wraps up its season on Pentecost Sunday. Summer Choir begins on May 26. Summer Choir is an intergenerational, non-vested choir. Each Sunday the Summer Choir meets at 10 o'clock to go over the hymns to support the congregational singing during the service. Come for a week or come for the summer. Anyone is welcome to sing with Summer Choir as often as you'd like!
Italy TripThe Voices of the Valley - 65 voices - are headed to Italy on May 28 to sing several concerts, have a choir swap and sing Mass at the Vatican. 18 St. Thomas Choir members and friends will be going along. Watch ‘Voices of the Valley’ and 'Rick McKnight’ Facebook pages to see what we're up to.
Tags: News / Music / Gather / Choir / Summer Choir / Worship