Remembering Beloved Saints

A meaningful All Saints custom at St. Thomas is the remembrance of those who have gone before us in the faith.
To add a name to our necrology (a list of names of those who have died), please complete the form below or email to by Sunday, October 27. We want this to be a long list! Names added do not have to be members of St. Thomas. We hold all in loving memory.
Here is how we will celebrate and remember together:
Saturday, November 2, All Souls Day
We will read aloud the names of parishioners who died in the last year and all who are interred in the Columbarium.
Sunday, November 3, All Saints Sunday
All names submitted will be printed in the bulletin for both services and named aloud in our prayers at the 8:30 service. In addition, the names of all who died within the last year will also be named aloud in our prayers at the 10:30 service.
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