St. Thomas Vestry

The Vestry is the governing body of the parish, with responsibility to see that the congregation’s administrative and financial life allows our ministries to flourish. We elect three members each year to serve three-year terms. Retiring vestry members and chairs of church committees serve as a nominating committee and present a slate of three candidates to be approved by the parish at the Annual Meeting.
According to the Canons of the Diocese of Atlanta, Those qualified for election to the office of Vestry Member shall be as follows: Any confirmed (or received) communicant in good standing of the Parish who is not less than eighteen years of age, a regular attendant at the services of the Church in the year preceding election, and known by the Treasurer to have made and fulfilled a stated financial commitment for church support in the year preceding election.
Thank you to our retiring vestry members Susan Connery, Michael Dempsey, and Louise Tulloh for their faithful service.
Thank you to Andrew Meeks, Mollie Smith, and Katie Underwood for accepting the invitation from our nominating committee to be on our slate of candidates this year. Andrew is passionate about continuing to grow St. Thomas and share the gifts of the Episcopal Church. Mollie is a long-time Episcopalian with leadership experience in different congregations. Katie serves with many ministries and brings creative ideas to strengthen our worship and work. Given our goals around strengthening and expanding ministries with children in the coming year, it was important to invite parents of children and youth to serve. Read below for more information about our candidates.
Due to the need to discern thoughtfully about candidates for vestry, we do not take nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting. If you wish to nominate an additional candidate, please contact our Senior Warden, David Brandenburgh, by January 12.
Andrew Meeks
Andrew began attending St. Thomas with his wife Chelsea 2019. He says, "We quickly fell in love with the amazing music, beautiful nave, and the wonderful people that make St. Thomas such a special place. We have been active in Wednesday Night Suppers, Journey Groups and Sunday School. I currently serve as an usher. Our oldest son Tommy participates in the Youth Group, and our youngest son Henry loves going to the nursery. We also have a baby girl due to arrive in June." Andrew is a graduate of Berry College and Mercer University, and a data science analyst at Aflac.
Andrew says, "We have a bunch of new seats at St. Thomas, and I am excited to see those seats get filled. I am also excited to see my sons (and future daughter) learn and grow in their faith. There is so much beauty at St. Thomas: The nave with its stained glass and soaring ceiling. The music that lifts the soul. The wonderful messages we hear each week. And the people who are all so loving and kind. It is no burden to cross the threshold into St. Thomas. Our challenge lies on the other side of the threshold, where things are not always beautiful. And I am reminded of the line from the Postcommunion Prayer: 'And now, Father, send us out to do the work You have given us to do, to love and serve You as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.'"
Mollie Smith
Mollie has been a part of St. Thomas for almost three years now. She says, "Changing churches can be incredibly difficult, but St. Thomas was a welcoming and grounding place once I was ready. It has been a joy for me and my wife, Robin, to get to know St. Thomas and its people, and I love sharing it with my son, Ben - a sophomore at the University of Alabama - when he is home from school. I have enjoyed getting involved over time, finding ways to serve at St. Thomas, most recently as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and a Journey group discussion facilitator. If elected, I’ll be honored and grateful to serve on the Vestry."
Mollie adds, "This is an exciting time at St. Thomas. So much has been accomplished in the past year. We could easily get complacent, just settle in and enjoy worshiping in the newly renovated nave. But it’s obvious that we won’t. St. Thomas is a thoughtful congregation that seeks to understand the needs of the community and responds. I’m eager to see what that yields in the next three years. I’m excited about the prospect of hiring a new Associate Rector to support Grace and the church in new ways. I’m excited about new music leadership to carry forward Rick’s legacy. I’m excited about the yet unknown new ways we’ll find to live out the charge of the post-Communion prayer to do the work given us to do, to love and serve as faithful witnesses of Christ."
Katie Underwood
Katie has been attending St. Thomas for almost 4 years along with her two girls Ellie (6) and Alice (11). They are involved with children and youth ministry and have enjoyed being able to take part in multi-generational service projects at Sleep in Heavenly Peace and Feeding the Valley. Katie currently serves as a Verger, a leader for Children's Church, assists with Youth Sunday School, and is a member of the worship committee. She volunteers with the Brewer Buddy Pack Ministry and the card writing ministry, as well as outside of the congregation with Animal Ark Rescue. Katie is the Director of Operations at the Springer Opera House where she has worked for fifteen years in a variety of roles. She is a part-time adjunct faculty for the CSU Department of Theatre and Dance and a member of the current class of Leadership Columbus.
Katie says, "What excites me most as St. Thomas "Crosses the Threshold" this year is our opportunities to grow. Now that the renovation is completed, seating capacity has expanded. We have an opportunity to serve crowds like we saw at Christmas Eve every Sunday! Each new family who joins brings with them their unique perspective and gifts and allows St. Thomas to grow in community presence and impact. I am excited for future opportunities to serve the church and love and care for its members."