Sunday Adult Formation
Sunday, October 20, 2024, 9:30 AM
November - December 1: Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, 9:30-10:15, Library
Thanks to Jerry Brown for leading a study of this classic by C. S. Lewis. Lewis also wrote The Screwtape Letters, which many of our Journey Groups have studied.
December 8: Welcome Breakfast, 9:30-10:15, Parish Hall
Between services we will gather for a Welcome Breakfast in the Parish Hall at 9:30. Everyone is invited to come and to welcome new folks to St. Thomas and celebrate our first Sunday in the new Nave.
December 15: Thanks to the Rev. Roxane Gwyn, 9:30-10:15, Parish Hall
Join us this morning to thank the Rev. Roxane Gwyn for her ministry among us. By her request, we are offering a letter-writing event to bring cheer to many. Following the both services, gather in the parish hall to write letters of support or advocacy. Examples and suggestions will be provided. You’ll also have the chance to write a note to Roxane too!
December 22: Reflections from C. S. Lewis, 9:30-10:15, Parish Hall
Gather to talk about quotes from his writings and what we have learned from him over the past few months.
December 29: No Sunday School or Formation hour on this day
January 5: Epiphany Eve Breakfast, 9:30-10:15, Parish Hall
Breakfast and photos with the Magi, House Blessing Kits, and Grits Bar!
Tags: Adult Formation / Learn