Wednesday Word from Rev. Grace: My Part of the Art!

My Part of the Art!
We are talking all month about Alma Thomas and the glorious works of art she created, now on display at The Columbus Museum.
The scriptures compare the church to a human body. The many different members of the body work together to make the whole body function.
What if we imagine the church as a work of art? Different colors and shapes and objects come together to create a masterpiece.
Our annual Ministry Sign Up process goes live tonight. We do this as an online form which parishioners fill out to identify the ministries with which you currently serve and those with which you are interested in serving. It's a long form because there are so many ways to learn and serve with St. Thomas. We ask you to review it and pray about it and then fill it out by August 28. On that Sunday, we'll dedicate all of our work to God for the coming program year.
To symbolize what we mean, we are also creating a work of art this year. For each ministry sign up form submitted, a ribbon will be added to a weaving project. We'll display that project at the altar on August 28 and elsewhere for the rest of the year. We will all be part of the art!
We'll explain the ministry sign up process tonight at Wednesday dinner and again on Sunday after worship. If you prefer a paper form, email or call the office at 706-324-4264.
Thank you all for being part of God's work of art being created in our life together as St. Thomas.
Tags: Voices / News / A Beautiful Life: August 2022