Savage Heart Animal Rescue

Savage Hart, as the sole licensed wildlife rehabilitation facility in the Chattahoochee Valley, is dedicated to protecting wild animals and their natural environments through rehabilitation, conservation, and education. Our wildlife experts respond to wildlife emergencies, educate the public, and provide medical services for wild animals. Since expanding to Georgia in 2019, we have cared for thousands of affected animals, thanks to the support of our community and fellow conservationists.
Current Item Needs:
- Unscented Laundry Detergent
- Dawn Soap
- Clorox Wipes
- Unscented Bleach
- Peroxide
- Unflavored Pedialyte
- Puppy Pads (all sizes)
- Paper Towels
- Cat Food - wet & dry
- Dog Food - wet & dry
- Trash Bags
New Facility Needs:
- Riding Lawn Mower
- Lidded Kitchen Trashcans
- Sanitizing Machine for Kitchen
- Office Printer
- Storage Cabinets with Countertops
- Large Dry-erase Boards
- Reception Desk with Storage
Service Opportunities:
- Monthly Mowing
- Volunteer Transporters
- Privacy Fence Installation
S A V A G E H A R T W I L D L I F E R E H A B I L I T A T I O N I N C .
PO Box 451
Fortson, GA, 31808
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