
We Serve Together - through St. Thomas and in the wider community, seeking to follow Jesus in works of compassion and justice.
Jesus said that he came not to be served but to serve (Matthew 20:28). Service to others is part of following Jesus. St. Thomas members serve the congregation by leading in worship, teaching children, serving on committees, caring for our building grounds, and taking part in many activities that support our common life. We serve our members by providing care in times of crisis or transition. And we serve the wider community by supporting many outreach partners. Join us as we serve together.
At St. Thomas we take service seriously and offer many opportunities to serve both at St. Thomas and in the larger community. Each year we ask those connected to St. Thomas to make a Ministry Pledge in addition to a financial pledge. This form allows you to look over the variety of opportunities for service in worship, learning, outreach and more. Completing this form will let us know where you’re interested in investing your time and talent.
2024 St. Thomas Ministry Offering Sign Up Form - Rolling Out the Welcome Mat
Serve at St. Thomas

Our Ministry Pledge form outlines all opportunities for service at St. Thomas. Below you’ll see some unique opportunities to serve our church community.
We have a variety of opportunities for service in worship.
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Opportunities to serve include joining the prayer group to pray weekly for the needs of the congregation and community, delivering or sending meals to parishioners recovering from illness at home, taking communion to sick or homebound members, connecting with newcomers through the Welcome Committee, or serving as a St. Thomas Shepherd and communicating with a small group of parishioners.
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Variety is a key word to describe opportunities for service at St. Thomas. Many outreach opportunities do not require long-term commitments while others offer the opportunity for long-term connection and relationships to develop. Some efforts are seasonal and others are year-round. There are opportunities to give time, talent, and money as well as participate in works of connecti…
Read More »Training and Background Checks for Volunteers
We promise in baptism to "seek and serve Christ in all persons" and "respect the dignity of every human being." One way we live out these promises is by seeking to create a safe environment for children, youth, and adults who take part in St. Thomas ministries.
All staff, all adults who work with children or youth, all vestry members, and others who make decisions affecting childr…
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