The Windows of St. Thomas

The stained glass windows in the nave of St. Thomas depict major scenes from The Old and New Testaments. There are six main window panels, three on each side of the nave, with each panel depicting five different biblical scenes.
The scenes run chronologically through stories of scripture. The Old Testament scenes begin with Creation and end with Daniel in the Lion’s Den, and the New Testament scenes begin with The Nativity and end with Alpha and Omega.
The Old Testament
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The Creation: The Creation window envisions the days of creation described in Genesis 1. Join us as we worship, learn, and serve together and share in God’s new creation in our life together.
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Noah’s Ark: The Noah’s Ark window shows the animals emerging two by two after the flood. Ministries with children and youth teach this and other Bible stories and create friendship as children grow to adulthood.
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Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac: God, the giver of life, prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son. God calls us today to bring an end to violence and restore life to all.
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Moses and The Burning Bush: The Moses and Exodus windows recall how God used Moses to set people free from slavery. Through ministries of outreach and service, we seek today to set people free from poverty, hunger, and injustice.
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The Exodus: The Moses and Exodus windows recall how God used Moses to set people free from slavery. Through ministries of outreach and service, we seek today to set people free from poverty, hunger, and injustice.
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The Ten Commandments: Not long after receiving God’s law, the people violated the covenant they had made with God by worshiping a golden calf. Moses broke the tablets as a sign of this broken covenant. We acknowledge our brokenness and continually renew our covenant with God in baptism.
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Ark of the Covenant: The covenant with God was renewed, and the people carried a second set of tablets with them on their journey. The window also includes a menorah and a depiction of the emblem worn by the priest. May we keep God’s covenant ever before us.
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Joshua at Jericho: God led the people to their new home. The wall around the old city of Jericho was destroyed with the blasts of trumpets. May we tear down walls that divide us and build a new community of hope.
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Samuel Anointing Saul: In this window, the prophet Samuel anoints Saul for his leadership in Israel.
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King David: The King David window includes a harp because David was a musician as well as a leader and king. We are grateful for the ministry of musicians at St. Thomas.
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The Temple of Solomon: Solomon erected a Magnificent temple for the worship of God. Yet when he prayed at its dedication he realized, “Even heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built. We, too, worship in a beautiful space, but this place is just a shadow of the true glory of God.
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Babylonian Exile: After the strength of David and Solomon, the kingdom split in two. Eventually, the people were conquered by Babylon and taken into exile. They hung up their harps and refused to sing of their homeland. This window calls us to remember the plight of all in bondage, all who long for home.
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Prophet Isaiah: The Prophet Isaiah window shows the prophet receiving a burning coal on his lips as part of his call to preach. Isaiah’s vision of the suffering servant is on the right.
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Rebuilding of Jerusalem: The chains of captivity were finally broken, and the prisoners were set free and allowed to return to Jerusalem. May God continue to work with us to set the captives free.
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Daniel in the Lion’s Den: Daniel remained faithful in the midst of persecution. He was thrown into the lions’ den because he would not worship the king in place of God. May we risk shame and fear for the sake of the God who loves us all.
The New Testament
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The Nativity: The infant Jesus stands in the manger with his arms stretched out to embrace the whole world, while the Star of Bethlehem shines above and shepherds and Magi gather near. O come, let us adore him.
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The Baptism of Jesus: When Jesus was baptized by John the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove, sending him out in ministry to the world. We invite all to share in Christ’s baptism and new life.
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The Temptation of Christ: Immediately after His baptism, Jesus was sent into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, represented by a serpent. Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for his devotion. Jesus remained steadfast in his worship of God. May we resist the lures of the world around us and give our allegiance to the God who sets all free.
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Sermon on the Mount: Jesus is represented by a Chi Rho, an ancient monogram for Christ. He speaks, like Moses, from a mountaintop to declare his law of love. We gather to commit ourselves to this law.
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The Transfiguration: On a mountaintop, Peter, James, and John saw our Lord transfigured, his glory made visible. Moses (holding the tablets of the law) and Elijah (holding prophetic scrolls) appeared to confirm this vision. We, too, have seen his glory.
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The Triumphal Entry: As our Lord entered Jerusalem to face suffering and death, the crowds welcomed him by throwing palm branches at his feet. The same crowds later cried “Crucify Him.” God help us always to welcome Christ in this world and not turn aside.
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The Last Supper: The Last Supper window contains bread and wheat, grapes and wine. We share these when we gather for Eucharist.
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Gethsemane: In the garden prior to his arrest, Jesus asked that this cup of suffering might be taken from him. As he prayed soldiers arrived and imprisoned him. We remember his suffering for our sake.
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Trial Before Pilate: Though Pilate found Jesus innocent of any crime, still he washed his hands of Jesus rather than set him free. May we resist the pressures of the world around us that cause us to abandon the truth.
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The Crucifixion: Jesus was led away to be executed. A crown of thorns was placed on his head as he was nailed to the cross. Soldiers threw dice to gamble for his robe. His closest friends abandoned him, including Peter who denied him three times before the cock crowed. As we look on the suffering of Jesus, may we look with love on all who suffer.
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The Resurrection: The Resurrection window contains symbols of Easter – the empty tomb, the banner of Christ, an Easter lily, a butterfly, a phoenix, and a sunrise. Join us to celebrate the new life of Christ.
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St. Thomas & the Risen Christ: After Easter, Jesus appeared to Thomas and invited him to touch his wounds. Thomas replied, “My Lord and My God.” We make the same confession today.
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Pentecost: The disciples gathered in an Upper Room to await the coming of God’s Spirit. It arrived with the sound of a rushing wind and with tongues of fire resting on their heads and empowered them to speak the Good News of Christ to the world. Come, Holy Spirit.
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Conversion of Paul: Saul was on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians when he saw a vision of the risen Christ. He fell to the ground in awe. He later changed his name to Paul and became an apostle of Christ. May we likewise find our lives transformed by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.
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Alpha and Omega: The Revelation to John proclaims Christ as the first and last of all creation. Christ is represented by a Chi Rho, crowned on a golden throne surrounded by the green palm branches of the martyrs. This is a vision of hope, when Christ will reign victorious and all brokenness in the world will be healed.
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