
You are welcome here at St Thomas!
We are a church of loving, committed and searching Christians who value diversity and cherish the gifts of young and old alike. We welcome ALL God’s children into our sacramental community, respecting the dignity of every person as we are called to a ministry of reconciliation and inclusion. You are welcome here as God’s own.
We are a community of faith who will welcome you as you are, wherever you are from, and whatever your background.
We invite you to join us as we worship God and proclaim the Good News of God’s Love. We take joy in sharing Communion with all Christians who gather around God’s table. Together we share a journey of learning and prayer; we believe in selfless serving; we advocate for justice and peace; we work to safeguard God’s good Earth; and we offer humble acts of hospitality to our neighbors and the greater world.
You are welcome as a Child of God.
St. Thomas approved this statement in 2016 with the understanding then and now that ALL means ALL. We strive to welcome and affirm in membership and leadership people of all ages, races, physical abilities, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identity or expression. Women, men, nonbinary persons and those who identify as LGBTQ+ may serve on governing bodies, lead in worship, teach children, and be ordained as clergy. We give thanks for our differences, knowing that we are all beloved creations of God and of infinite worth.
Online Welcome Card
We welcome you as a child of God!

I'm New

We know finding a church can be hard. We were all new to St. Thomas once, so let us tell you a little about ourselves.
- We are a place for knowing Christ and making Christ known.
- We are a congregation that seeks, welcomes, and values all people. We are a diverse community that delights in all who walk through our doors.
- We are a home where friendships form a…
Joining St. Thomas
Welcome! We're delighted you've decided to join St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Columbus, Georgia. We look forward to being in touch with you.
Contact Patty in the church office at admin-finance@stthomascolumbus.org with questions.
Read More »Who We Are

We Love Every Person - all people everywhere and the individual standing before us.
We are a community of learning grounded in scripture and open to new ideas.
We are a vibrant community with beautiful worship in which God speaks through liturgy, readings, reflections, and music.
We are a congregation that seeks, welcomes, and values all people. We offer opportunities for people of …
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