Who We Are

We Love Every Person - all people everywhere and the individual standing before us.
We are a community of learning grounded in scripture and open to new ideas.
We are a vibrant community with beautiful worship in which God speaks through liturgy, readings, reflections, and music.
We are a congregation that seeks, welcomes, and values all people. We offer opportunities for people of all ages, all genders, and all backgrounds to grow, wherever you are on your journey of faith.
We participate and lead ministries of service and justice inspired by Christ's word and example.
At St. Thomas, ALL means ALL. We strive to welcome and affirm in membership and leadership people of all ages, races, physical abilities, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identity or expression. Women, men, nonbinary persons and those who identify as LGBTQ+ may serve on governing bodies, lead in worship, teach children, and be ordained as clergy. We give thanks for our differences, knowing that we are all beloved creations of God and of infinite worth.
Staff & Clergy
By virtue of Baptism, we are all called and equipped by the Holy Spirit for ministry through the Church and in the world. Our staff leads ministries of worship, formation, service, community, administration, and hospitality to help St. Thomas members grow in love for God and demonstrate love for neighbor.
Read More »FAQs About The Episcopal Church

You may have heard of the Episcopal Church or driven by a church in your area. But what goes on there? What’s it like inside? What makes the Episcopal Church different? How do ordinary people participate in the life of the church? Here are answers to these and other common questions.
The Diocese of Atlanta

We are a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - 50,000 people in 96 churches and missions in central and north Georgia. We are also a part of the worldwide Anglican communion - born out of the Church of England and now the third-largest Christian group in the world.