A Beautiful Life: August 2022

The Alma Thomas exhibition at The Columbus Museum, Everything is Beautiful, is on our minds as summer ends and the school year begins. The ugliness we so often see in the world and in the news can distress us. We want children and everyone to enjoy beautiful lives and create a beautiful world. Worship and the scriptures reveal that this is what God wants for us all. It is good to be reminded what a beautiful, holy life looks like.
Sermons in August will highlight what the scriptures say about a beautiful life. We’ll hear the story of Alma Thomas (who was also an Episcopalian) and what she discovered about seeing beauty in the world around us. Our annual backpack and school year blessing is on August 7, celebrating the beauty of learning. Wednesday activities resume August 10, and Foyers groups are back, offering the beauty of fellowship. Ministry signs ups are from August 10 to 28, to help us all engage in the beauty of service. St. Thomas Choir will enhance the beauty of worship. Our young adult and campus ministry is getting organized, to celebrate the beauty of every human being. Journey Groups resume September 7, looking at the scriptures as the story of God’s promise to make life beautiful for all.
In spite of the challenges around us, it is still A Beautiful Life. Don’t miss out. So we pray, Open our eyes, O Lord, to see your hand at work in the world about us.
Help tell the St. Thomas Story. Our stewardship committee is developing materials and video to help us share St. Thomas more widely with others. You can help by making a 30 to 90 second video …My St. Thomas Story
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