Pentecost 2022: Living Into God’s Dream

Our children will explore this theme for Vacation Bible School from May 31 to June 3 this year. The curriculum was written by our own Malinda Shamburger and friends from the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing to help children begin to learn about God’s dream of a world filled with love for all people. St. Thomas has the privilege of piloting the curriculum before it goes live for the whole church.
This is more than a great theme for VBS. It is a good lesson for grown-ups as well. God dreams of a world where all people are loved and respected, where creation is protected, where everyone has what they need to thrive. When Jesus spoke about the kingdom or reign of God, he was talking about this idea.
This dream of God is not a fantasy. It is a Spirit-empowered gift. It is what happens when we love God above all else and love our neighbors as ourselves. We’ll take some time this summer to remind ourselves of this good news.
Join us this summer - in worship, fellowship, study, and service - as we all seek to Live Into God’s Dream!