The Season of Lent:
God is Still with Us
Julian of Norwich, a great mystic and teacher of the faith, lived in a terrible time. It was the late 1300’s and early 1400’s in England, a time of plague and great social and economic unrest. She nearly died from illness herself. While on what she thought was her deathbed, she received assurance of God’s love in a series of visions. When she recovered, she wrote a brief summary of her vision, and then wrote a longer version. Her writings are considered the oldest book in English written by a woman.
In the longer form of one of her visions, she shared this wisdom:
We are in God. And God, whom we do not see, is in us. (Revelations of Divine Love, chapter 54).
Julian’s vision offers a helpful reminder for our time as well. Our theme for this Lent is God is STILL with us. Through sermons, worship, and devotions, we will remember this good news. Read ahead for many opportunities to remember that you are not alone. God is with us, and we are in God, together.
We are in God. And God, whom we do not see, is in us. God is STILL with us!
Rev. Grace
Sunday Worship in Lent
Lent was historically a time of preparation for baptism. Those preparing for baptism (called
catechumens) entered into a time of prayer, fasting, and intense study of the scriptures before
receiving baptism at the Easter Vigil. Before being b...
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Easter Offerings & Dedications
St. Thomas invites special offerings for flowers, music, and other ministries during Easter Season. Gifts may be dedicated in honor or memory of someone and will be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletin on March 31. Submit your contributions and d...
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Letting Go Lent Meditation by Alaina Harrison
Growing up, I was a perfectionist and I prided myself in rising above the standards and expectations that were set for me. Before I knew it, I had set goals for my life based on what other people would approve or like for me to achieve. I'm a peo...
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Letting Go Lent Meditation by Kathleen Mullins
In January of 2023, I officially became a member of St. Thomas and a new Episcopalian. I would be lying if I said when I joined I had all things Episcopal figured out. Today, I am still learning. On this journey of learning about my new church h...
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Letting Go Meditation by Susie Olive-Allison
Because my children have all gone through phases of obsession with the movie Frozen, I cannot hear this phrase without thinking of Elsa flaunting her powers in her ice castle, oblivious to the path of destruction she has created in her kingdom be...
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Letting Go Lent Meditation by Kathy Bonner Herren
Ecclesiastes 3:6 - A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away I have experienced many forms of “letting go” and none of them have been easy. I always have to go through a period of grief and reflection befo...
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Letting Go Lent Meditation by Faye Melton
With three granddaughters, I have heard Elsa’s song “Let It Go” from Disney’s Frozen movie countless times. If you aren’t familiar with the lyrics, princess Elsa sings about her struggle to release the expectations of others so that she...
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Letting Go Lent Meditation by Charlene Moore
I heard the phrase LETTING GO about twenty years ago, from a very wise woman. She explained to me that letting go was not something you just do, it's a process that you learn to do. I heard what she said but didn't quite understand it. I pondered...
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Lent Meditation from Jennifer Fletcher
Practically from birth, my life was shaped around the core notion that I should be perfect in everything I undertook - the perfect daughter, student, teacher, mother, nurse, friend. I believed I should never make a mistake at home, at work, even ...
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Letting Go Lent Meditation by Mandy Ochoa
There have been many times in my life that God has encouraged me to let go. The starkest example happened about four years ago when I had a crisis in my struggle with bipolar disorder. A symptom of the manic side of bipolar is an inflated se...
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Holy Week is when the foundational story of Christianity - Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection - is remembered and retold, both in words and in ritual actions, at services throughout the week. It ends at sundown on Holy Saturday with a service called the Great Vigil and the first Easter celebration.
From earliest times Christians have observed the week before Easter as a t…
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